
2013, What a Ride

This year was filled with life lessons and challenges. But also full of new experiences that I will cherish forever.

I loss my grandmother in the beginning of the year. She was one of the most selfless, loving and accepting person I've ever had the pleasure to know. I struggled with communicating with her because of the generation gap and the language barrier. Her death was sudden and caused a lot of pain for my family and every life that she has ever touched. You could consider her a saint but she'll always be my apo. She took care of me and helped me get on my feet when I first moved to New York. She looked after me and supported me in the first year I was there and beyond. I never realized or thanked her for how much she cared for me. I wanted to take something from this inevitable event from my life instead of being bitter and regretful. It brought my entire family closer together in a different way than before. It made me want to live my life as a better person though it's still something I struggle with. Thank you apo for sharing your love with everyone around you. I can only hope that one day I will be as great as you were.

Anyone who knows me knows that I am very driven especially in my career. Ever since I started working at the salon, it consumed me. My life was only work and it seemed like I had no time for anything or anyone else. I use to be bitter about the way I was treated along with my coworkers. Somehow as time went on thing's got easier because everyone around me constantly reminded me to let things go and to not think so much into everything. I am so thankful and grateful for my Fekkai family. I see all of you more than anyone and I am so happy that I get to laugh at work every single day. I hope I can continue to grow as a hairdresser and as a person with the help of everyone.

It seems like the events that happened this year had specific reasons and things happened with impeccable timing. My New York friends, where would I be without all of you? I spent most of my best days with you and I cannot wait to get more. Thank you for making this summer one of the best. I discovered myself and became more self aware than ever. Working to "be your own Kanye West" is probably one of the best things to do in life (seriously, you should try it). Always challenging yourself and pushing yourself to be the best you. I learned that I didn't have to be THE best, but the best version of myself. It's something that I want to keep on my mind everyday. This year was filled with some bomb-ass parties, lets keep going!
And alos, I love my fat butch.

Certain things happen when you least expect it. I never thought I'd meet anyone special or anyone that would make me experience feelings that I had no idea existed in me. I'd like to think that I am very caring but I just have a strange way of showing it. I always felt like I wanted to worry for someone else besides myself, but no one ever seemed right or deserving of that. When my colorist was injured this summer and my schedule with work opened up, so did I. Learning to step out of my comfort zone and breaking my daily routines not only reminded me of all the things I've never done before, but gave me an opportunity to meet new people and find a part of me I never knew existed. It's so bleh that I'm talking about this but you all know who I'm referring to. Since our first date, I have been on a fast track relationship and I only continue to love and care for him each day. I've never felt this connection with anyone and was terrified in the beginning. I was afraid of getting hurt, afraid that this was all very childish and unbelievable. His confidence in himself and in me gives me courage. I cannot wait to learn and grow with you.

Basically if you just skipped to the end, thank you to everyone who has been a part of my year of growth. Thank you to my California family, my New York family, and my Fekkai family. I cannot wait to take on 2014 with the attitude that I have developed from this year. It's time to unleash the new me and to continue to strive to be a better me. Lets make some memories whether it's good or bad, there's always something to learn and grow from.

Happy New Year to everyone and I hope 2014 is kind to you.

Don't forget to Carpe Diem 



Everything You're Not

late night updates are becoming a thing.
Since my last post, I have started working at a salon with a great name starting as a shampoo assistant. As of right now I have been there for almost two months. At first I was having trouble deciding if I want to stay working there and become a corporate robot or not...but now I have made up my mind to accept the challenge and learn as much as I can from there.

I don't feel like talking about work.

No matter how many times I say I don't need someone, I lied.
No matter how many times I try to convince myself that I'm not lonely, I lied.
The truth is I am lonely and I do want someone. I can't imagine going through life alone. The fact that I can't have someone to vent to besides a computer screen. I can't seize the day if it's half assed...
I honestly wonder if love is out there for me at all. Maybe I'll have a change of heart. But as of right now, this is how i feel.
Though I won't say it out loud.
I want someone that will make my heart skip. Someone who gives me butterflies in a good way. I want someone that wants to tell me their day and wants to listen to mine. In the end, don't we all want someone to just want us back?

I am done with your twisted symphonies


Rolling In The Deep

10 inches off, 10 bleaches, 3 haircuts, 2 demis, piercings and tattoos later...

It's been quite a while since I updated about my life and I thought this was a stupid idea but reading my last post reminds me of how much I've changed.
So lets see....According to my last post, I was still pretty directionless about my career, lived with my grandparents and was a 15 minute commute away from work. 2 out of 3 isn't too bad.

I never enrolled for winter classes at FIT. I am actually close to being done with the 8 month program at Carsten Aveda Institute (cosmetology school) and I guess that takes care of the career path. There's still a lot of different options with this skill but at least it's a bit narrowed down right?
Still living with my grandparents but I'm hoping that when I graduate in August I'll be able to get a job that pays decent enough for me to move to Astoria or Long Island City.
And I am now one of those people that have to wake up at least an hour earlier just to g
et to my destination. I've grown accustom to it now so it doesn't even feel like a long time.
Currently working at a salon in Chelsea as a squib. I just sweep floors, wash dishes and do the laundry. It's a nice salon and if they were to extend their offer to me, I would be more than happy to accept.
oh yeah and I guess I'm not a complete loner anymore. Pat on the back. I've met some pretty cool people at school and they've all been really accepting and I feel like I relate to them more than my target co-workers. On my days off I usually spend having personal days which are becoming more and more often...don't know if that's good or bad.

In conclusion, things have definitely changed a lot since the first few months I was living here. The experience has been great but I honestly cannot wait for the next two months to be over so I can start new adventures. This life is getting tired.

You had my heart inside your hands and you played it to the beat...
